Friday 22 January 2010

Magazine spoilers

The February 2009 cover of Paris Vogue, published on Fashion Gone Rogue

While I enjoy browsing websites such as Fashion Gone Rogue and Fashion Copious for all the latest magazine editorials and ad campaigns (especially since Borders, my old magazine browsing haunt, closed), the downside is it kills the joy of reading the magazines (hard copies) I actually buy. I'm talking about American and Paris Vogues, chiefly, which I purchase without fail every month. Perusing a new issue is a a favourite ritual of mine, and it's annoying, therefore, when the novelty is ruined because I've already seen the pictures, or at least some of them, online. Now, I know what you're thinking: that I should just not look at these sites at all. Their content is so all-encompassing, though, that for a mag-hag like me the temptation of logging on to them for the pages of magazines I won't ever buy (Japanese Vogue, French Elle) is too strong, even if it means doing it at the expense of my monthly reads. Suggestion: in the same way football results come with a forewarning, why not put a "spoiler alert" message at the front of the post? Even better would be a tool with the ability to eliminate those magazines one doesn't want to see (this would be a time-saver, too). For now, however, I'll be scouring these sites with a half-open eye, snapping them shut and moving on quickly each time one of these pesky spoilers crops up.

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